The Parks' Endowment Committee assists with the continual growth of an endowment fund for the Park District. For more information, check out the Endowment Brochure here.

The goal of the Endowment Foundation is to provide financial resources to support the Darke County Parks. The Endowment Foundation is organized under the bylaws of the Friends of the Parks which was granted 501 (C)3 tax exempt status by the IRS in 1998. The Foundation accepts funds and property in the form of gifts, grants, and bequests to support the Darke County Parks’ natural and historical features and educational and passive recreational programs and activities.

The Friends of the Darke County Parks established the Endowment Foundation to preserve the natural resources of Darke County and to help provide outdoor education and passive recreation for generations to come. Contributions to the Foundation will remain in the fund and generate annual income. This income will extend existing Park District tax revenue and benefit all aspects of the Darke County Parks including:  Conserving natural resources through land and wildlife stewardship; Providing outdoor education for all ages from our pre-school programs; Summer camps; Park PALS; Free outdoor concerts; Education programs for all ages.

In addition, The Darke County Parks Endowment Foundation welcomes gifts directed toward specific facilities or programs. All gifts to the Endowment Foundation will ensure the future of the Darke County Parks by helping to maintain, as well as assist in the continued growth of the Park District. The Endowment Foundation’s planned giving program offers a unique way to serve as a steward of the region’s natural landscape.